Hi, I’m Janice!

I’m a Product Designer at Coinbase and hold a Masters in User Experience Design from the University of Toronto (2022). The heartbeat behind my passion for design is in creating meaningful human experiences through the power of empathy, community and connection.

Previously, I was designing cities and neighbourhoods at Perkins and Will for 3 years as an Urban Designer and Planner. I hold a Bachelors degree in Urban Planning from the University of Waterloo (2017).

My hybrid experience in urban design and UX design provides me a unique perspective on how the human experience is shaped across both physical and digital realms. Feel free to connect with me via Email or LinkedIn!

Lifelong Learner

‘The more I read, the more I acquire, the more certain I am that I know nothing.’ –Voltaire

I am constantly seeking ways to expand and challenge the way I think about myself, design and the world. Here are a few of my favourite books I’ve read in the past year and podcasts that I have on rotation:


Mentor & Public Speaker

Public speaking used to be my greatest fear, but after 2 years of Toastmaster training, I’ve grown to really enjoy it and it’s become one of my greatest assets.

Panel: UX Design Interns

Ryerson UX 2022

Panel: Landing a Design Internship

Team Effort 2021

Mentor: iSchool Student Mentor

University of Toronto 2021

Design Critique: Sustainable Design

Northwestern University 2021

Design Critique: Urban Design Studio

University of Waterloo 2017-2019

Guest Lecture: Urban Design 

Ryerson University 2019


University of Waterloo Design Studio Critic 2019

CIP National Conference 2019

Urban Minds 1UP Conference 2019

Fitness Enthusiast

Growing up, fitness and health has always been a critical part of my life. I was a competitive swimmer for 10 years, and have also competed in mountain biking, spikeball, dragonboat and half-marathons to name a few! I carry forward the passion and work ethic learned from competitive sports into everything I do, including design.


Running my first half marathon!

Surfing in Santa Cruz

Conquering mountains in Jasper

Hiking in Yosemite